Last Updated on September 24, 2014 by Babita
Have you ever hear of Jord watches. Jord is a rather noteworthy company that produces some of the finest wooden watches I’ve seen to date. Their selection of smart timepieces will appease the environmentally sound as well as the fashion forward consumer. Each watch is handcrafted using sustainable wood and no two watch styles are exactly alike. For more information regarding Jord Watches you can check out
In the meantime I have some good news for my readers. Lisa from The Consumer Adviser is offering a great giveaway for all of my readers. Jord has offered to give one of my readers their very own watch of their choice valued up to $139.00. Use the easy entry form below to enter this giveaway. For your tweets to count they must be open to the public and not protected.
Open Worldwide
Disclosure: This blog was not compensated for sharing this post nor is it responsible for shipping the prize. Any questions please email Lisa at
Wow, perfect. Fortunately, I found your website!
Thanks for sharing!