Last Updated on August 24, 2011 by Babita
Can you see your self wearing cork? Even though it is hard to imagine, Anna Grindi has made it possible. Through years of experiment and hard work she finally discovered a formula and managed to tame the Cork oak into a wearable fabric. After successfully obtaining a patent for her formula Anna Grindi, a skilled couturiere has been designing and developing various garments out of Cork oak since 2001. Her store Subiris in Tempia Pausania, Italy displays garments, bags, shoes, upholstery fabrics, delicate voile and cork tiles all made from Cork oak. The popularity of this fabric has grown to such an extent that designers are making a beeline for her. Her daughter even wore a wedding gown made from cork ten years back. I for one would love to see these fabrics and apparel here in the US.

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